Heavenly Father, please pour your blessings on my ministry today.
It is an honor and privilege to serve the Lord at his table.
Please guide my hands and my steps
that I may fulfill my duties with grace and devotion.
I ask this in the name of Jesus whom I serve with Joy. Amen.
The Sacristan Ministry is a sacred ministry that involves important behind-the-scenes set up for each Liturgy.
The word Sacristan comes from the Latin word, Sacer, meaning sacred. Sacristans at Holy Infant have several responsibilities that are key to the smooth running of each Liturgy. A Sacristan must work in harmony with the Director of Liturgy and Music to ensure that the Presider has everything prepared for the celebration of the Mass.
Our Sacristans may be called to step as Mass Coordinator, verifying that all Ministers have checked in and are ready to serve at Mass. They also often serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion when needed and are usually available at each liturgy to respond to needs that arise during the celebration.
Kim Bauer leads the Sacristan Ministry.