Holy Infant offers a year-round OCIA process, allowing you to enter the first phase, Inquiry, at any time throughout the year. Inquirers bring their questions about Christianity and Catholicism to the meetings which are led by members of the OCIA team. There are no expectations for participation and no obligation to provide the OCIA team with any notice for missing sessions.
The focus of the Inquiry phase is to address concerns and questions you may have and provide a basic understanding of what it means to embrace the Roman Catholic faith. You may decide that the Catholic faith is right for you or may decide not to go further in the process at this time. Inquiry meetings are held approximately twice a month on a weekday evening. Check the parish calendar for a schedule of meeting times.
If you decide to become a member of the Catholic Church, the next step is called the Catechumenate. The transition is marked by an Entrance Rite, celebrated during a weekend liturgy.
The Catechumenate phase is more structured than the Inquiry phase, and you are expected to attend as many of the Catechumenate sessions as possible. As in the Inquiry phase, there is no set length of time for this phase.
The curriculum for the Catechumenate is based on the Lectionary and on the needs of the members of the Catechumenate. Those in the Catechumenate, called catechumens (unbaptized) or candidates (baptized in another Christian faith tradition), are expected to attend liturgy once each weekend. The liturgy time will be specified by the OCIA team and will rotate from week to week.
During the liturgy, following the Liturgy of the Word, participants in the Catechumenate are dismissed to discuss the weekend's readings while the rest of the parish prepares for and celebrates the Liturgy of the Eucharist (Communion). After the liturgy, spouses, sponsors and the rest of the OCIA team join those in the Parish Center for the Catechumenate session that lasts about an hour.
This third phase of the OCIA process, Purification and Enlightenment, immediately precedes the celebration of the sacraments of initiation. The focus of this period is on prayer and spiritual reflection. For those preparing for Baptism, this phase takes place during the season of Lent, as catechumens prepare for full initiation at the Easter Vigil. For those who are baptized and seeking full communion with the Catholic Church, the Purification and Enlightenment phase and the initiation sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist can be celebrated at different times of the year.
The fourth phase of the OCIA process, Mystagogy, occurs after you become a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church. It is a time to ponder your experience of the sacraments and reflect on how to live as a Catholic Christian.