In 2016, Holy Infant laid out a two-phase plan to prepare for our parish’s future. With 850 families at the time, the plan was to provide parish facilities that would adequately meet the existing and future needs of our parishioners. Phase 1 of the plan was to build a new worship space which was completed in 2021 and has no debt remaining associated with the facility. The construction included the new church, chapel, and columbarium.
Now with nearly 1200 families and growing, the need to proceed with Phase 2 of the campus improvement plan to renovate and upgrade the old worship space (now known as the DeSales Center) into a facility to enhance our education, meeting, and ministry fellowship spaces has never been more apparent.
DeSales Center Renovations
The Suggested Gift Chart details pledges ranging from $3,000 to $300,000, payable over three years. That is as little as only one dollar and a half per day over 36 months.
This wide range of gift opportunities makes it possible for virtually every family to take part in the program. If every family registered at Holy Infant gives $3,000, we would easily make our goal.
Stocks & Bonds
There are added advantages to giving stocks, bonds, and securities.
IRA Gifts
People over 70 ½ years old may also be eligible to make a charitable gift from your IRA assets with no tax complications.
Wills & Bequests
Providing for Holy Infant in your will can have significant federal and estate tax advantages. For additional information, please contact the parish office at (919) 544-7135.
Matching Gifts
Many firms have matching gift programs to provide incentives for their employees to make charitable
donations. Please ask your Human Resources department for a matching gift form. Both current and
retired employees may be eligible.
Tax-Deductible Gifts
All gifts are tax-deductible as provided by law. Receipts will be provided upon request.
Pledge Installments
You will receive reminder notices in accordance with the payment method you select. Please make your checks payable to: Holy Infant We Remember You Campaign.