Our preparation stresses that the individual begins to acknowledge a personal commitment to a spiritual journey that will last a lifetime. Catechesis encourages this commitment by deepening each individual's understanding of the sacrament through formation sessions, by encouraging personal witness through social justice activity, participation in the parish's liturgical life, and by helping to enrich each candidate’s prayer life through retreats and other prayer experiences. Diocesan and Holy Infant requirements are fulfilled in a two-year preparation process which begins in high school. Candidates for Confirmation must be baptized and able to renew baptismal promises.
Confirmation preparation is a two-year process. Candidates are eligible to enroll in Year I of Confirmation preparation in grade 9 with immediate preparation (Year II) and celebration of the sacrament in grade 10 or older. If you missed preparation for the Sacrament in 9th grade, you may start the Confirmation preparation as late as 11th grade.
As part of the Sacrament preparation process, teens should attend a retreat. In 2025, we have two options: a Confirmation-specific retreat at St. Matthew Parish on February 15 or the Spring TYM retreat March 15 - 16. There is no cost to attend either option and registration is open now!
Learn more about Spring Retreat