For, having been incorporated into Christ through Baptism, they are formed into the People of God, and having received the remission of all their sins and been rescued from the power of darkness, they are brought to the status of adopted sons and daughters, being made a new creation by water and the Holy Spirit. Hence they are called, and indeed are, children of God.
- Order of the Baptism of Children, 2
As the entire parish community joyfully welcomes your child into the Catholic faith, Baptisms are celebrated during one of our liturgies on designated weekends of each month. The Mass is central to the initiation of Christians, so it plays a central role in the catechesis of parents presenting infant children for baptism. Therefore, the celebration of Baptism of an infant or young child concerns not only the child, but also the parents, the godparents, and the larger communiy of the parish and the whole church.
Coming Soon: Please reference the parish calendar for designated Baptism weekends. After participation in the baptism workshop, you will be contacted by a member of our parish staff with details related to scheduling your child's baptism.
The baptism preparation workshop at Holy Infant is conducted bimonthly on a Saturday morning from 9-11 a.m. in the Hospitality Room of the DeSales Center. This workshop will cover the theology of Baptism, living your faith at home, faith sharing, logistics about Baptism at Holy Infant and a walk through of the Rite of Baptism in the new church. You will have the opportunity to interact and engage with other families preparing to celebration the Sacrament. Light refreshments will be provided.
It is best for both parents to attend. Nursing infants are welcome; otherwise, childcare is not provided at this time.
You will begin the process for baptism here at Holy Infant by completing our baptism information form and participating in our preparation workshop. On your information form, please indicate the parish in which you intend your child to be baptized at.
Because Sacraments are usually celebrated at the parish level, you will need a letter from Holy Infant granting permission for your child's baptism outside of the parish. After participating in the preparation workshop, you will receive a letter from a staff representative indicating that you completed the workshop and that permission is granted for baptism outside of Holy Infant. That letter should be given to the parish of intended baptism. You will send all godparent testimony forms to that parish as well.
Once your child is baptized, please remember to send a copy of his/her Baptism Certificate to our parish office so that our database can be updated as well. However, the parish in which your child is baptized will be the location in which all of your child's official Sacramental Records are kept.
The Catholic Church creates records like a big family tree. We include the mother's maiden name on all official records, including Baptism records/certificates, Confirmation records/certificates, and marriage records/certificates. This way, everything traces back to the right family whenever records are needed for reprinting, future Sacramental records, or if another church asks (particularly for marriage way down the road). It's pretty neat to look back at 50 years of records at Holy Infant; for some parishes it's hundreds of years!
Congratulations! You may bring the godparent testimony form to the parish office for review. Fr. Robert and/or our Pastoral Associate will review and be in contact with you. Please note that due to their schedules, your form may not be reviewed in the moment, so it is best to bring it to the parish office at least a month in advance of the scheduled Sacrament. If you have a completed electronic copy of the form, please send it here.