The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick has been restored to fuller use since Vatican II. It is one of the sacraments of healing for those of all ages who face serious health issues of any kind: physical, mental, psychological, emotional, etc. It may be celebrated by anyone who, for example, suffers from a major or prolonged physical or other illness, anticipates major surgery, is hospitalized or has reached an advanced age. Those who receive this sacrament are granted spiritual healing and, on occasion, actual healing of the condition for which they request healing.
During the year, a communal anointing celebration is held for those in need of the sacrament. At times of individual need, please call the pastor to arrange to be anointed.
Anointing of the Sick, Reconciliation (Confession) and Eucharist may all be received when one is approaching death. The final reception of the Eucharist before dying is called Viaticum, which means “food for the journey.”
It is not necessary to wait until death is imminent to receive last rites, and, in fact, a priest may not be available at that moment in time. If you know of a Catholic approaching death who would like to receive last rites, please call the pastor.